My dearest Smol,
This might be a bit far fetched but bare with me. Imagine, your life is one big sandy beach ( I know you don't like them but just bare with me okay?). Some people come into your life and barely make an imprint. Those are the type of people who stand at the top of the beach in the soft sand and don't walk down to the shore. Those people really don't know what they are missing, they might visit once every couple of years but they would never say that this beach is their favourite. It has too many crabs and the shells hurt they feet when they walk on the sand. Others leave a series of footprints etched into the sea shore, they might walk on the beach for an hour or so and come and visit every once in a while. But this isn't their favourite beach, in fact they might even only come to this beach every so often on the sunny days to grab a lemon top and look at the view. These are the type of people who can't appreciate the cold sea and the poo left on the sand by random dogs. The don't really deserve to come to this beach all the time. And only a select few have ran along the shores, wrote their names in the sand and splashed in the sea, they are here on the stormy days, on the sunny days and most importantly on the days where you are eligible for free parking. You're the last type of those people for me, i think its fair to say we've had our stormy days. Those type of days were you can only park in the car park and look out onto the sea crashing and going wild and thinking to yourself that life as you know it is coming to an end. But i think its fair to say we've had our sunny days as well like the type of days where business by catfish and the bottlemen are playing at just the right level in the background, we have a plethora lemon sorbet that doesn't melt super quickly, and spicy veggie burgers from mcdonalds with a shit ton of fries, an tropicana orange juice for me and a large pepsi max for you (not forgetting the dairy milk mcflurries) there is dogs of all shapes and sizes everywhere and you are tripping over sweet sweet nothing, as per usual. And even if i did leave you on the beach for a fair few days i always returned because this beach isn't just any beach its one of those beaches where you can smile when you think about it even if the weather is unreliable and the two regulars on the beach are turbulent beings. The people who only stand on the top of the beach don't know what they are missing, yeah you might catch crabs while you're there but it's still a good beach okay? agaga i joke. So, i think the real message of this little analogy is me trying to say you are well and truly are my best beach.
My words are failing me right now but
i'm grateful for this beach.
Don't go changing.
Your friend,
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